Soybean meal

Soybean meal is a high-protein type of meal. It is produced in the process of soybean oil production. Soybean meal contains a wide range of minerals, amino acids and proteins. It is used as a basis for various compound feeds. It is one of the highest quality vegetable products for feeding farm animals. Soybean meal is well digested and its biological value is close to animal proteins.
Soybean meal is a versatile feed additive. It can be fed to cattle, pigs, sheep, rabbits, poultry and even fish. Soybeans are compatible with most types of classic plant and mineral feedstuffs, such as wheat, limestone flour, hay, silage, etc. It is successfully used by producers as a protein base for compound feed.

Product definition
Rapeseed oil pressed from rapeseed

Raw material composition

Organoleptic characteristics
Color: light, golden, yellowish.
Consistency: liquid - fluid.
Structure: homogeneous, smooth, slight turbidity above the sediment is permissible.
Taste and odor: characteristic of rapeseed oil, without foreign odors and flavors.
Contamination with foreign objects: none.

Physical and chemical properties
Color number: 50 mg of iodine
Acid number: max. 1.6 mg KOH/g
Peroxide number: max. 2.5 ½ mmol/kg
Water and volatile substances content: no more than 0.2%.
Phosphorus content: max. 300 ppm

Customs code of the goods: 2304000001 for feed purposes

Color: From light yellow to light brown

Odor: Odor typical of soybean meal without foreign odors (mold, burning, mustiness)

Moisture and volatiles content, %, NMT: 8,5 - 10,5 (non-granular up to 12,0)

Mass fraction of ash, insoluble in hydro: 1,5

Mass fraction of total ash, expressed on: Mass fraction of total ash, expressed on absolutely dry basis, %, NMT

Mass fraction of metal impurities, %, NM: not permissible

Contamination with pests of grain stocks: not permissible

Mass fraction of the residual amount of: 0,03

Mass fraction of crude protein expressed: Mass fraction of crude protein expressed on absolutely dry basis, %, NMT

Mass fraction of crude fiber in a fat-fr: 5,5

Mass fraction of crude fat expressed on: 1,5

Total energy value, feed units on dry ba: 1,18

Foreign impurities (stones, glass, earth: not permissible

Mass fraction of isothiocyanates express: -

Urease potency, рН: Up to 0,2 рН

Acid value, mg КОН/g, NMT: 10,9

Peroxide value, % I2, NMT: 0,4

Shelf life: 4 months